RevLite SI Laser Skin Treatments

RevLite SI Laser Skin Treatments

Uncovering your skin’s natural beauty isn’t that hard anymore.

LAISA is privileged to be one of only few clinics in the country that has RevLite SI, an advanced and innovative laser technology that effectively removes unwanted pigments and tattoos, and rejuvenates skin.

Previously, only ablative laser were used to wound the top layers of the skin. While these aggressive lasers are still used to treat the skin, it can lead to significant downtime for the patient. RevLite is a non-ablative laser that uses PhotoAcoustic Technology Pulse (PTP) energy for quick full-skin treatment options with no downtime and discomfort.

Revlite presents maximum results with no downtime at all.

RevLite SI is used effectively for these skin treatments:

– Skin Rejuvenation/Revitalization
– Pigmented Lesion Removal
– Tattoo Removal
– Acne Scar Reduction
– Dermal Lesion Treatment
– Sun Damage Treatment
– Anti-aging Maintenance
– Laser Peel

Aside from enabling those advanced skin treatments, RevLite Laser also has the ability to stimulate new collagen growth to replenish lost collagen upon aging. As new collagen synthesizes, marks, lines and wrinkles diminish while the skin structure appears further and smoother.

As proven by clinical results, RevLite presents a safer and more effective tool for skin revitalization and toning.

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